Being / Non-Being
Meditation points & an Historical/ Chronological Outline of the Experience and Principles of Being in Western thought.

* dynamic dimension / static dimension
* the evolution and shaping of Consciousness

essay outline by Johnes Ruta, 2017.

Quintessence: a fifth element following,
The Quintessence is a combination of Gold and Light.

The Vedas sruti – “what is heard,” original Hindu sacred texts; 2nd millennium BCE. The mantras are recited for their phonology, as the “primordial rhythms of creation.”

Atman = Absolute Being

Shiva = Total Destruction = Non-Being; “Destruction” is the sacred UnManifestation to the original state of Being,

Krisna = There is no Non-Being. " Nothing that exists can be destroyed," (Bhagavad Gita, 5th to 2nd century BCE).

Mohenjo Daru, Indus Valley -- Material Geometry of the world. Patterns of the mineral kingdom.

Sumer -- Ti'amat = Entity of the VOID in the Enumma Elish -- the sacred cunieform book of the Creation, depicting her battle and defeat by Marduk. Her corpse becomes the starry Firmament.
---> Hebrew: "Tehom" = Genesis: 1:1 -- the Light reflected on the waters of the Deep.
---> Greek "Thalassate" = the sea.

Egypt -- NUN -- the Creation = the DARK WATERS of CHAOS (derivative or parallel of Ti'amat?)
the HYPOSTASES - the columns constructing the massive manifestation of MASS.

Hesiod -- c. 750 - 650 BCE.
Muthos -- "the world comes from Nothing," later adapted by the Latins: "creatio est ex nihilo,"
(Titus Lucretius Carus 99-55 BCE)

Thales of Miletus -- c. 624 -546 BCE.
WATER = as the Primary Component of the Universe.
Liquiform consciousness identified.

Pythagoras of Samos -- 570 - 495 BCE.
The Geometry of time and space, the four cardinal points.
indefinite metempsychosis (reincarnation)

Heraclitus -- 535 - 475 BCE.
FIRE -- ignition and combustion of the Universe. Fire is the Primary Component of the Universe.

Parmenides of Elea -- 515 - after 450 BCE.
- "Being is."
- "Non-Being is." (Non-Being cannot be realized, except as an idea that totally destroys all other ideas, according to ancient Western physics.)
- "Being and Non-Being are."
BEING is the only rational solution.

Democritus -- 460 - 370 BCE
the atomic theory of the universe -- matter is divisible into its smallest parts
Void theory -- motion as established by Becoming (Being in motion) requires an antithesis, the Void.
Epistemology = the knowledge of "truth" is subjective according to the individuality of personal senses.

Empedocles of Akragas (Agrigento, Sicily) -- 490 - 430 BCE.
Reconciliation of Being and Becoming.
Matter is composed of 4 elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth.
Primary forces of the Universe are "Love" (attraction) and "Strife" (repulsion)
-- Variations consist of combinations of Harmony and Discord.

Aeschylus -- 525 - 456 BCE
Sophocles -- 497 - 405 BCE
Euripides -- 480 - 406 BCE
The Human Tragedy of Being and the Unexpected manifestations and consequences.

Aristophanes -- 446 - 386 BCE
The Thieriomorphic Comedy of Being (animal forms, such as Wasps, Birds, Frogs).

Aristarchus of Samos -- 310 - 230 BCE:
Heliocentrism -- the Sun being the center of the solar system of planets.

Plato -- 427/423 - 327 BCE
Solid Geometry of 3-dimensional Forms. Platonic Forms.
The Monad of divinity.

The Kabbalah -- 5th century BCE
000. Ayin (Nothing)
00. Ein Sof (Limitlessness) --> the Azoth.
0. Ohr Ein Sof (Endless Light)
-.Tzimtzum (Contraction)

Keter (Crown)
Chokhmah (Wisdom)
Binah (Understanding)
Chesed or Gedulah (Loving Kindness or Mercy)
Gevurah or Din (Power or Judgement)
Tiferet (Beauty or Compassion)
Netzach (Triumph or Endurance)
Hod (Majesty or Splendor)
Yesod (Foundation)
Malchut (Realm)

Gnosticism -- 500 BCE - 325 CE
the HYPOSTASIS of the Archons (Time/Space entities)
Valentinus -- 100 - 150 CE
Sophia and Hermes
the PLEROMA (Fullness of the Universe) = Being
the KENOMA (Emptiness of the Universe) = Non-Being

Jesus of Nazareth -- 4 BCE -31 CE
The Being of Compassion
The Being of Tolerance
The Being of Peace

Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria -- c 100 - c 168 or 170 CE
The Almagest
Geography of the geocentric dimension

Hypatia -- (b. c 350-370 CE) the last Classical/ NeoPlatonist Head Librarian of Alexandria
mathematical modeling of the heliocentric universe
(she was murdered by the militia of Cyril the Zealot, and the library ruined, 415 CE.)

Boethius -- 480 - 524 CE
Sophos -- the divine Wisdom of Being

Augustine of Hippo -- 354 - 430 CE
The City of God

Dante Algehieri -- 1265 - 1321 CE
The devotion of Being and Love
The inverted pyramid of sin with the Earth
The pyramidic mountain of Reconciliation
The hierarchic pyramid of Virtue
The supreme position and being of the Absolute, and HIs surrounding Archons.

Alchemy & the Hermetic Tradition -- ? 1000 BCE - 1700 CE
metaphor, manipulation, transmutation.
materiality as Essence, elements, and stasis.
GOLD as the Purity of Essence.
the four Humours: Dry and Wet, Hot and Cold.
the three trans-mutational components of Mercury, Sulfur, and Salt.

Copernicus -- 1473 - 1543
the heliocentric solar system
mechanistic motions of the Cosmos.
view of the physical sky above in 3 dimensions

Leonardo da Vinci -- 1452 - 1519
FUTURE time in Vision --> design in natural media
(wood interpreted future mechanism .. time view in sepia.

Paracelsus -- c.1493 - 1541
iatrochemistry -- the metabolic inner dimension of interaction

Giordano Bruno -- 1547 - 1600 (burned at the stake by the Roman Inquisition for his beliefs.)
the Hermetic COSMOS = Mysterium
the limitless universe

Johannes Kepler - 1571 - 1630
mathematical application of Copernican heliocentric planetary orbits, and determination of elliptical orbitation and spatial vortical velocities;
the Harmony of all the Spheres (tonal musical relationships)

Jacob Boehme -- 1575 - 1624
The AZOTH is the Quintessence, the combination of Gold and Light.

Sir Francis Bacon --
rejection of the Aristotelian total categorization of all phenomena and knowledge;
initialization of the Experimental Method with the uses of optical devices of the telescope and microscope.

William Shakespeare -- 1564 - 1516
word & verses of the (Pleroma) Fullness of Life Energy.
"To Be or Not to Be ?"
The dichotomy of Guilt and existence.

Johannes Kepler -- 1571 - 1630
revealed the Mathematical Perfection in orbital forms
in Solar and Galactic open Space.

Descartes -- 1595 - 1650
BEING = cogito ergo sum
Question of the Infallibility of the Divine God -- manifesting
the UNFOLDING of REALITY (the Reality of Current History as experience
-- back to the Emperical model ?µpe???a, empeiria
Vortical fields of time and space

The Theory of the Baroque -- 1600 - 1750
the Romantic Ideal of DYNAMISM
phenomenon of the "Modern"
harmonic structure and pattern of music
the CONTINUO of music -- the underlying base line of Time/Space ( ---> Time-Line theory of Einstein)

Thomas Hobbes -- 1588 - 1679
The LEVIATHAN (Ti'amat) as the Body of History -- the Commonweal of Mankind.
The Absolute of Monarchy

Isaac Newton -- 1642 -1726
visualized and proved the mathematical model ("Fluxions" i.e. calculus)
Gravity = attraction to the object (cf. Empedocles)
finite division of the spectrum of light

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz -- 1546 - 1716
the CALCULUS of Time and Space (i.e. "Fluxions")
the Platonic MONAD as the Hypostasis singularity.

John Locke -- 1632 - 1704
contra Hobbes

Rationalist Construction of Society in government and Absolute Principle as Justice in terms of the Human Mind and human perception.
Recognition of our own human experience in context of Justice for Humanity.
Enlightenment principle of "the greatest good for the greatest number."

David Hume and Thomas Reid confirmed and built on this Argument for the progress of the Dialectic.

George Berkeley -- 1683 - 1753
The SOLIPCISM of Emperical Being (the moral equivalent of class privilege)

Immanuel Kant -- 1724 - 1804
The critique of Being
The Categorical Imperative of Life

Georg Frederick Hegel -- 1770 - 1831
Absolute Idealism
Abstract Particularity vs. Concreteness
Geist = mind/spirit
The Phenomenology of the Dialectic -- Universality, Particularity, Individuality.

Charles Darwin -- 1809 - 1882
the Evolution, adaptation, and survival of diverse animal species
the human Being as a member of Animal Kingdom

Eugène Delacroix -- 1798 1863
Charles Baudelaire -- 1821 - 1867
The Avant-Garde of Creative Reality

Abraham Lincoln -- The Emancipation Proclamation, Sept. 22, 1862; Jan. 1, 1863.
The universal moral vindication of valid, free individual identity.

Georg Friedrich Nietzsche -- 1844 - 1900
The Apollonian vs. Dionysian
The Birth of Tragedy

William James -- 1842-1910
The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902)
Mysticism; Epistemology; Pragmatism; Free Will

Max Planck -- 1856 - 1947
Quantum Theory = specific vibrations of material elements of Matter

Richard Maurice Bucke
"Cosmic Consciousness" 1901
stages: Self-Consciousness; Collective Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness.

Georg Groddeck -- 1866 - 1934
The Book of the IT (publicly published 1923) = the "Id" = primal forces and emotion
colleague of Sigmund Freud from 1907, coined psychologocal concept of the Id.

Sigmund Freud -- 1856 - 1939
Being in society
Id (instinct), Ego (personality), SuperEgo (conscience)
The experience of the Oceanic (Civilization and its Discontents)

Carl Jung -- 1875 - 1961
Cosmic Consciousness
Mysteruim Coniuntionis

Alfred Korzybski -- 1879 - 1950
Semantics -- Science and Sanity
Consciousness of Abstracting
Predication: "is" (to be):
"the is of identity"
"the is of predication" (is = from subject to object)

Albert Einstein -- 1879 - 1955
Energy = Matter x Speed of Light x Speed of Light
Energy = the potential for a particle to change position
The Relativity of Space / Time
The Curvature of Space
Time-Lines of moments in Relative Space
Atomic Fission
the Fusion of Hydrogen atoms = energy

Werner Heisenberg -- 1901 - 1976
the Uncertainty Principle of object motions

Albert Schweitzer -- 1875 -1965
The Being of Compassion and Harmony

Martin Heidegger -- 1889 - 1956
The Grammar of Being -- "das sein" = "Being there"

Jean-Paul Sartre -- 1905 - 1980
Being and Nothingness -- the Existential Dilemma of Being and Responsibility
Experiential Being
Being in modern society...

Abraham Maslow -- 1908 - 1970
Peak Experience phenomena

John Cage -- 1912 - 1992
Andy Warhol -- 1928 - 1987
The Be-In -- the experiential Being of togetherness

Aldous Huxley -- 1894 - 1963
Timothy Leary -- 1920 - 1996
Ram Dass -- b, 1931
Cosmic Consciousness Utopia

Meher Baba -- 1894-1969, Bombay
The Metaphysics of Silence

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -- 1918-2008, Rajim India
Transcendental Meditation

Jorge Luis Borges -- 1889 - 1986
The Aleph = the Totality of the universe

Cleve Backster -- 1924 -2013
Plant Consciousness (measured with polygraphy)

Rupert Sheldrake -- b. 1942
the growth and metabolic communication principles of Morphic Resonance

Richard Feynman -- 1918 - 1988
Gauge Theories = physical model of the interactions of universal forces
Feynman Diagrams = pictorial representations of the mathematical expressions describing the behavior of subatomic particles.

Steve Weinberg -- b. 1933
Abdus Salam -- 1926 - 1996
the Weak Force - "the cosmic alchemist"
Electro-Weak Theory
3-Quark Theory = 2 hyper-microcosmic sub-nuclear particles connected by a super-heated Gluon.
Strange Particles: J or Psi
Charmed Particles

String Theory (not mathematically productive, but related to the Gluon as the Quark "string" connecting two Quarks)

Dark Matter -- qualifies missing Mass of the known Universe).
Dark Energy -- qualifies missing Energy of the known Universe).

Peter Higgs -- b 1929
the Higgs Boson -- proof of the Gluon particle.

Brian Greene -- b. 1963
discovery of the Quilted Multi-Universe = indefinite Big Bangs in hyper-distant limitless SPACE
Multi-Universal simultaneous Consciousness
Thought as immediate universal communication.
the replication of concurrent Realities in detail


Johnes Ruta -- b. 1947
the theory of Prolepsis (the grammar of the future plus-perfect tense)
dream-narrative of Being

essay outline by Johnes Ruta,2017, BEE-ING

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