Michael Meier 1618 "Hic est Draco caudam  suam devorans"

Oil Paintings by Charles Reyburn

Artist's Reception: Saturday, October 26, 2019, 3:00 to 6:00 PM

Connecticut Hospice
100 Double Beach Road
Branford, CT 06405

Curated by Johnes Ruta,

Charles Reyburn "The-Connecticut-Shoreline -- Ferry-Headed-to-Long-Island" oil on canvas 10" x13"

Artist’s Statement by Charles W. Reyburn

"Our World is not static. It is forever changing. My solution, these days, is to take my french easel
and head out into that world. I use my wooden palette laid out with 14 to 15 oil colors and I…..
choose a composition….draw… and then… paint (manipulate color). The challenge is to concentrate
(think) and to transfer a large or immense (if it extends to the horizon) scene convincingly onto a canvas
rectangle, 8x 10, 11 x 14, 18 x 24 up to perhaps 48 x 36 inches.

"In our time away from our chosen vocations we often head outside OR remain inside to observe
and explore the world around us. To reaffirm its’ life-giving beauty and awesome powers.
All caught in glimpses in which we are feeling the present-into-the future or are taken into feeling
our past. A painting by hand (and mind) puts you there.

"I grew up in New London, CT. Attended Rhode Island School of Design 1974-78
and hold a BFA in Painting. I presently live in Waterford, CT.  I think of my paintings as
"moments in time” or as Corot called many of his paintings; “souvenirs.”

Charles Reyburn "Across Fishers to Plum Island 1-14-11" oil on canvas 11" x 14"

Charles Reyburn "The Branford Hospice 10-01-2019" oil on canvas 11" x 14"

Charles Reyburn "Front Porch" oil on canvas 24" x 30"



Curated by: Johnes Ruta, independent curator & art theorist

Hours: Visiting Hours Daily 10AM - 8 PM

Katherine Blossom, Arts Director
Connecticut Hospice
100 Double Beach Road
Branford, CT 06405
