Oil Paintings & Photographs of Still Life & Portraiture by MARALYN ADLIN | |||||||||
Maralyn Adlin is an Art Therapist who
began drawing and painting at the young age of 4. She never lost her youthful
passion for art, attending the Art Students League in NYC during high school
years, and going on to receive her B.F.A. at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn,
New York. She later obtained her degree
in Art Therapy from Long Island University, at the C.W. Post campus, Brookville, NY. " 'Unstill Lives' is about the relationships between man and his world," she says. "Both interior and exterior. Painting in the formal sense for me is like a jig-saw puzzle: the objects of a still life are not separate from the rest of the painting, or the background in which it sits; rather it is part of it. In comparison, man is not separate from the objects he creates or from the world he inhabits." Adlin's photography consist of black & white silver prints, developed and printed by the artist herself. The painting work and photography are linked by similar sensibilities. The difference in mediums reflect how far the artist was willing to take the subject matter without distorting the true meaning of her work.
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Adlin expresses her indebtedness to her late professor at Pratt, Sidney Tillim, who also taught at Bennington College and was an art critic for ARTFORUM Magazine, for his encouragement and scholarship. Her work is in private collections in New York and CT and has been shown on Long Island, NY. This is her first show in Connecticut. Art Therapy services:
Adlin Design | |||||||||
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Artist Reception: Sunday, FEBRUARY 6, 4 to 6 PM Exhibition: January 10 - February 15, 2005 The York Square Cinema Gallery Gallery curator: Johnes Ruta (203) 387-4933 azothgallery@comcast.net http://azothgallery.com/ | |||||||||