Symposia on the Western esoteric tradition
in science & philosophy

A Symposium on

the Metaphysical History of "Time"

  "Have you guessed the riddle yet?" the Hatter said, turning to Alice again. "…Why is a raven like a writing desk?"
   "No, I give it up," Alice replied. "What’s the answer?"
   "I haven’t the slightest idea," said the Hatter. "Nor I," said the March Hare.
   Alice sighed wearily. "I think you might do something better with the time," she said, "than wasting it in asking riddles that have no answers."
   "If you knew Time as well as I do," said the Hatter, "you wouldn’t talk about wasting it. It’s him!.... I dare say you never even spoke to Time !"
   "Perhaps not," Alice cautiously replied: "but I have to beat time when I learn music."
   "Ah! That accounts for it!" said the Hatter. "He won’t stand beating !"

(Lewis Carol, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 1865.)
A two day Symposium was held Saturday & Sunday,
November 3-4, 2001,  12:30 to 10:00 PM at NY Designer
Wendy Gell’s lakeside studio,
Lake Quonnipaug,  608 Lake Drive, Guilford, CT 06473.  
 Gourmet catering provided by
CAFE' GINA of North Branford., (203) 483-7965.

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SATURDAY, NOV. 3, 2001
11:15 AM Coffee Hour and Introductions

12:15 PM Johnes Ruta, independent art curator; The York Square Gallery, New Haven; historical essayist; web designer and relational database engineer.
"THE PHYSICS OF METAPHYSICS" -- from the Age of Minerals of the Indo-Europeans to the Age of Quantum Mechanics -- a survey of the understanding and perceived limits of time and matter.

2:00 PM Carl Pfluger, contributing writer to The Southwest Review, GQ, Harper's Magazine; Historian, Herodotus scholar. Quebec, Canada & Alexandria, VA.
"THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE OF TIME," views of the Classical philosophers from Pythagoras, Herodotus, Heraclitus, to the Atomists and Rationalists.

4:00 PM Steve Bass, A.I.A, Architect; Institute for Classical Architecture, NYC.
"THE CORPUS HERMETICUM of Hermes Trismegistus" : the Theory of Proportions, Pythagorean Qualitative Numbers and Plato's Quadrivium of arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy."

6:00 PM Peter Champoux, author of "Gaia Matrix, " Greenfield, MA.
"THE GEOGRAPHY OF TIME," discusses how subtle magnetic, geological, and psychic characteristics of the land are manifested by local human culture in language, accent, music, and behavior.

11:30 AM Coffee Hour and Introductions

12:15 PM Greg Garvey, Professor of Design & Graphic Arts, Quinnipiac University.
"AEONS AND THE RISE OF THE VIRTUAL," the quantum emergence of personality from the earliest historical psychological stages to the cybernetic orientation.


3:15 PM Henry McLean, A.I.A., Architect, student of Symbolic and Sacred Geometry, Adjunct Professor in Sustainable Design or Green Architecture. Boston, MA.

5:15 PM: Kathleen Damiani, Ph.D., writer & professor of Philosophy, Ithaca College.
"THE DRAGON OF TIME" -- Near Eastern & Western esoteric traditions at the core of Gnosis, and their realization in the synchronicity of modern life.

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$ 30 per day, ($50 for two days), in advance, includes COFFEE, LUNCH, DINNER, & DESSERT -- Gourmet catering provided by CAFE' GINA of North Branford.

For information, please contact : Johnes Ruta, (203) 387-4933
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A Geographical Chronology:


Ancient World


INDO-EUROPA/ The Smelt and the Forge : the rhythm of sequence

CHINA/ Chi of Matter

MESOPOTAMIA/ Ti’amat : the Panic of the Gods :
Newborn Universe and the name of Time

BABYLON/ Hypostasis of the Aeons:
Timetable of the Constellations

EGYPT/ Valley of Kings :
Afterworld Eternal Time : the Heart and Voice of Ptah

ANATOLIA/Confluences of Wisdom: Eros & the Divine Sophia

GREECE/ Pythagoras : the Triangle and the reflective Eye

ROME/ The Metallurgy of Iron & Steel :
The Paved Road : Route to Empire
Leisure Time : reward of conquest

ARABIA/ Medicine & the persistence of Soul




Cathedrals : The Flying Butress, suspension in aer

Dante : The Absolute Center of Eternity
Alchemy : Time and the Stages of the Transmutation:
Calcinatio, Precipitatio, Sublimatio, et al

Kabbalah & the prophecy of future time




Copernicus : orbital sidereal time


Kepler : harmonic intervals of the ellipse

Visual Arc of Time : the Coniunctio of Leonardo

Compass & Clock : Merchantile Seafaring Time

Olaus Roemer : Observations of the Speed of Light

Edmund Halley : The True Theory of the Tides

Leibniz : Calculus infinitesimals of Relative Time

Newton : Time and Space in the Definitive




Metaphysical & Literary Symbolist Time

Dialectical Time
: Existential Compendium vs.
Fundamentalist Continuum


The Meta-Physics and Science Fiction of Travel & Communications


Albert Einstein : Relativity & Curvature


Musical Time : Signature, Beat, & Syncopation


Anti-Time & the Oceanic in the Subconscious


Synchronicity & Channeling : the Archetypes in Real-Time


The Alphabet, Language, and Metaphor


Particle Physics : the Cesium Atomic Clock; Symmetry & Singularity


The Transformative Vision


For information, please contact :
Project Curator: Johnes Ruta, (203) 387-4933

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